Girls Gone Hypnotized

Davina and Mia's Hypnosis Session

This is not a fantasy, story-based video. The hypnosis in this video is real. This is Davina's first time being hypnotized, and Mia's fourth. The entire session was captured from two separate camera angles. The editing has been kept to a minimum to allow the viewer to experience the session from beginning to end.

Mia has brought her friend Davina in today for a hypnosis session. This is Mia's fourth time being hypnotized, and Davina's first. They are working with our hypnotist, RHLOVER. The entire session was conducted online through the webcam, with both girls being guided into trance by the hypnotist's voice.  I, of course, was in the room with them, filming and interacting as needed. They are taken deeper and deeper throughout the induction until they reach a point in which the hypnotist feels they will respond well to his suggestions. After the induction, we move onto more erotic things such as having the girls respond to triggers while awake and alert, and obeying commands while put into a submissive, obedient state of mind.  A full list of all suggestions used, and full details about the shoot, can be found directly below this text.

After the session, all hypnotic triggers are removed, and both girls are brought out of hypnosis, ready to talk about the session, but remembering not much at all, unsurprisingly.

Mia, of course, is a great subject and goes under without effort, as this is now her fourth time being hypnotized by RHLOVER. Being that this is Davina's first time being hypnotized, a little more time is spent deepening her and getting her into a place where she is responding to the hypnotist's suggestions. We caught her peeking a few times at the beginning of the session when her eyes were supposed to be closed, probably because she was a bit nervous and unsure about what to expect. But persistence pays off and she ends up going pretty deep and remembering next to nothing by the end of the session.

Can also be purchased in Mia's Hypnosis Sessions 1 - 5 at a $60 discount.

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01 hour, 40 minutes
Only $18.99

Key highlights of video include:
  • Pre-induction talk.
  • Fingers-stuck focus test.
  • "Balloon and bucket" focus test.
  • Taken into a deep relaxation and guided into trance by hypnotist's voice and visualization.
  • Given a trigger that instantly returns them back down to a deeply hypnotized state any time they hear the word "sleep" and we snap our fingers.
  • The girls are woken up, but go back into a hypnotic sleep when they are shown a swinging pocket watch.
  • Made to feel a surge of happiness, joy, pride, and pleasure when they hear the phrase "good girl".
  • Triggered to drop into a deep hypnotic sleep when they are tapped on the head with a toy bat.
  • When the girls are shot with the toy gun, they believe that they are cute little puppies.
  • Dropped deeper into trance. Made to visualize a spiral spinning in their minds and repeat the phrases they are given, believing them more and more each time they say them.
  • Made to feel submissive and obedient. The girls see us as their masters and must refer to us as such.
  • Mia is made to walk back and forth as a zombie while she chants her mantra. At the same time, Davina stands posed as a zombie and repeats her mantra too.
  • Mia is put into trance with the pocket watch.
  • Mia must grope Davina's chest as Davina stares blankly ahead and chants her mantra.
  • Both girls are made to turn around and pose their asses for the camera.
  • Made to kneel and worship.
  • Mia is made to remove her bodysuit. Davina plays with Mia's tits as they both chant their mantra.
  • Davina must chant "I am a blank and mindless doll" while Mia strips her out of her bodysuit.
  • Both girls stand only in their panties and chant their mantra together.
  • Both girls are made to remove their panties.
  • Davina is made to sleepwalk through the room while chanting her mantra.
  • The girls are made to go to their hands and knees and crawl towards the camera. Put to sleep with the pocket watch.
  • Both girls are woken up and given amnesia about the session. They laugh when they realize they are both naked.
  • Davina is turned into a poseable statue and Mia is instructed to play with her. The roles are reversed after a while of this.
  • Mia is made to feel as if she's under the effects of laughing gas, while Davina becomes annoyed at her laughter because she wants to focus on the hypnosis.
  • Davina uses the toy bat to knock Mia out in her fit of laughter. Davina is then put to sleep using the pocket watch.
  • Davina triggers Mia into an obedient state by ringing a bell.
  • Davina orders Mia to rub her neck and then show off some of her modeling poses for us.
  • The girls are made to think that they each now have a tattoo of the other girl on their thigh.
  • Both girls are lead to the couch to begin the wrap-up.
  • Both asked questions about the experience throughout the entire session, both while in trance and out.
  • Triggers removed and brought out of hypnosis completely.
  • Follow-up discussion.
  • Both girls full nude.
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