Girls Gone Hypnotized

Hypnotized Houseguest

Eden is a German tourist staying at a host's vacation rental she booked online. Everything seems great and the host has been very accommodating up to this point. Eden's host greets her one afternoon and asks her to look at his pocket watch. Eden speaks only broken English and doesn't understand what is happening, but it seems that hypnosis is somewhat of a universal language, as Eden slowly falls into a trance while watching the watch swing back and forth. Eden goes so deep that black and white spirals can be observed spinning in her vacant eyes. She is completely hypnotized and his to command. She obeys, repeating back his instructions in German and broken English as she understands them. It isn't long before Eden is fully nude and his completely.

Full Video Details:
08 minutes, 27 seconds
Only $7.99

Key highlights of video include:
  • Gets hypnotized by a swinging pocket watch
  • So deeply hypnotized, spirals spin in her eyes (4 different scenes)
  • Speaks in German and broken English throughout.
  • Repeats her programming in a sleepy monotone.
  • Made to refer to him as "master".
  • Begins sleepwalking in a trance while repeating "I've been deeply hypnotized' in german.
  • Snapped out of trance briefly by the hypnotist. Confused and unaware that she's been hypnotized.
  • Snapped back into trance and immediately begins walking and stripping off her clothes while chanting a mantra in German.
  • Kneels nude before her master and repeats her mantras in broken English as spirals spin in her eyes.
  • Video game controller is put back in her hands and she is brought out of trance, but not realizing she is completely naked.
  • Full nude
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MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 322 MB
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HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 322 MB
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