Girls Gone Hypnotized

Lucy O's Second Hypnosis Session

This is not a fantasy, story-based video. The hypnosis in this video is real. This is Lucy's second time being hypnotized with us. The entire session was captured from two separate camera angles. The editing has been kept to a minimum to allow the viewer to experience the session from beginning to end.

This is Lucy's second time being hypnotized, and today she is working with our returning hypnotist, RHLOVER. The entire session was conducted online through the webcam, with Lucy being guided into trance by the hypnotist, through visualization and relaxation techniques.  I, of course, was in the room with her, filming and interacting as needed. She is taken deeper and deeper throughout the induction until she has reached a point in which the hypnotist feels she will respond well to his suggestions. After the induction, we move into the more erotic part of the shoot - responding to triggers while awake and alert, and obeying commands in a robotic state.  A full list of all suggestions used, and full details about the shoot, can be found directly below this text.

After the session, all hypnotic triggers are removed, and Lucy is brought completely out of hypnosis, ready to talk about the session. Lucy responds great under hypnosis once again, and this time we convert her into "Lucy-bot" - a robot that runs programs and can be installed with new personalities.

An additional segment from this session featuring a pocket watch trigger can be found here.

Full Download Details:
01 hour, 05 minutes
Only $16.99

Key highlights of video include:
  • Pre-induction talk.
  • Instructed to fix her eyes on a spot on the ceiling and relax. Taken into a deep relaxation and guided into trance by hypnotist's voice and visualization.
  • Given a trigger that instantly returns her back down to a deeply hypnotized state any time when she hears the word "sleep"  and we snap our fingers.
  • Triggered to feel a surge of pleasure, joy and happiness anytime she hears the word "pleasure".
  • While she's wearing the hypno goggles, Lucy is triggered to feel an attraction towards me.
  • When spanked with the paddle, Lucy is triggered to feel a sense of pleasure and submissiveness.
  • Hypnotized into believing that she is Lucy-bot, programmed to serve and obey. Her personality is overridden by her programming. Lucy-bot repeats her programming in a monotone voice, believing it more and more each time she repeats it.
  • Lucy-bot is commanded to twerk while repeating programming, walk with her arms out while repeating specific programming, continue twerking, remove her shirt and lock her hands behind her head, kneel in a slave posture and answer our questions, twerk on her hands and knees, bring me my drink, sit back and display the soles of her feet while repeating specific programming, and then test the movement of her joints.Frozen close-up shots while twerking.
  • A new bratty personality is installed into Lucy-bot's mind. She resists being told what to do until we get forceful with her. Lucy is forcefully ordered to take off her pants and give us a dance in her underwear, calling us "sir" when spoken to. Lucy likes being talked down to and told what to do. Frozen and inspected while dancing.
  • Lucy-bot is commanded to sleepwalk in her bra and panties while chanting mantras, then spanked on the ass with the paddle.
  • A new "loving girlfriend" personality is installed into Lucy-bot's mind.
  • Lucy is asked questions about the experience throughout the entire session, both while she is in trance and out.
  • Triggers removed and brought out of hypnosis.
  • Follow-up discussion.
  • No nudity. Undressed down to bra and panties.
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HD Quality Version
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1920 x 1080
Total size is 2.41 GB
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Lucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis SessionLucy O's Second Hypnosis Session

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