Seventh Hypnosis Session
This is not a
fantasy, story-based video. The hypnosis in this
video is real. This is Rebecca's seventh time
being hypnotized. The editing has been kept to a minimum
to allow the viewer to experience the session
from beginning to end.
This is Rebecca's seventh time being hypnotized
with us. She is working with our returning
hypnotist, RHLOVER. The
entire session was conducted online through the
webcam, with Rebecca being guided into trance by
the hypnotist, through visualization and
relaxation techniques. I, of course, was in
the room with her, filming and interacting as
needed. She is taken deeper and deeper throughout
the induction until she has reached a point in
which the hypnotist feels she will respond well to
his suggestions. After the induction, we move into
the more erotic part of the shoot - responding to
triggers while awake and alert, and obeying
commands in a blank and mindless state. A full list of all
suggestions used, and full details about the
shoot, can be found directly below this text.
After the session, all hypnotic triggers are
removed, and Rebecca is brought completely out of
hypnosis, ready to talk about the session. This
session was a bit different from her others, in
that we used a spinning spiral to put her into
hypnosis. The spiral really had a strong effect on
her, as she points out at the end of the session.
She seemed to really blank out and go mindless
anytime she focused on the spiral while being
dropped down by the hypnotist.
Full Download Details:
01 hour, 26
Only $15.99
Key highlights of video include:
- Pre-induction talk.
- Instructed to focus on the center of a
spiral as the hypnotist talks Rebecca down
into a hypnotized state.
- Given a trigger that instantly returns her
back down to a deeply hypnotized state any
time when she hears the word "sleep" and
we snap our fingers.
- Triggered to feel a sense of physical and
emotional pleasure when she hears "pleasure"
with a snap of the fingers.
- Rebecca is woken up, but dropped back into
an eyes-open trance when the spiral
- Becomes a mindless, poseable mannequin
anytime we say the word "freeze". Can be moved
and repositioned while frozen. Returns to
normal when she hears the word "unfreeze", but
has no memory of what happened while frozen.
- While frozen, Rebecca is placed into
different positions, has objects placed in her
hands, has her soles inspected.
- Kneels before the spiral entranced.
Programmed into mindless obedience.
- Woken out of trance, but made to feel
strongly attracted to me, and think of ways to
spend more time with me. Rebecca becomes very
touchy and forward with me.
- Given a trigger that whenever she is shown a
spiral or a pocket watch, she is instantly
hypnotized and will do anything she is told.
While under the hypnotic influence of the
pocket watch, told to remove her top, chant "I
am a hypnotized slave" while in a zombie pose,
display her chest, wiggle her butt while face
down and ass up, and chant "I am hypnotized"
while in a kneeling slave posture with her
eyes rolling up. Rebecca answers all of my
questions in a blank and mindless state.
- Answers "yes master" when given commands in
a trance.
- Rebecca is told that the camera I'm holding
has a spiral on the lens. As she stares into
the lens mesmerized, her thoughts are drained
into it, leaving her with a low IQ. Turned
into a sexy bimbo. We talk to Rebecca in her
bimbo state of mind and ask her to show off
her figure and answer general questions we
- Frozen and unfrozen in her bimbo state of
mine. Pants are pulled down while frozen.
- Hypnotized again with the pocket watch.
Rebecca is commanded to walk like a zombie
while chanting the mantras I give her, then
frozen with her freeze trigger.
- Tricked into hypnotizing herself with the
pocket watch. Given a mantra to repeat and
asked questions while focused on the watch.
- Triggered with the watch and told to remove
her pants, then crawl on all fours while
chanting "my thoughts are not my own". Frozen
while crawling.
- When woken out of trance, Rebecca acts on
the hypnotic suggestion that she wants
desperately to be a stripper, and that is her
career goal in life.
- Triggered with the watch and made to chant
mantras while sitting in a sleepwalking pose
- After being woken up, Rebecca is triggered
with the watch again and made to answer
questions and repeat erotic phrases.
- Rebecca is asked questions about the
experience throughout the entire session, both
while she is in trance and out.
- Triggers removed and brought out of
- Follow-up discussion.
- Full nude.
Available in:
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MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is
2.76 GB
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