Sister Alisha has
been having impure thoughts and dreams about
Sister Jennifer. She confesses to Sister Jennifer
and asks for a divine intervention. Jennifer uses
her cultish powers to put Alisha into a trance.
She attempts to drive this spirit of lust from
her, but soon, she too succumbs to it's lustful
influence. With Alisha still obedient and under
her control, Jennifer uses her body to satisfy
these unclean urges.
Full Download
15 minutes, 31
Only $11.99
Key highlights of video include:
- Jennifer puts Alisha in a trance with her
cultish powers. Alisha is under Jennifer's
mind control for the remainder of the session.
- Alisha must repeat Jennifer's programming.
- Jennifer sees that Alisha is starting to
fight her programming so she strips her nude
to get all of the "worldly" out.
- Alisha must call Jennifer "mistress".
- Jennifer rubs Alisha's naked body while
trying to exorcise her demon of lust.
- Jennifer tries to spank out Alisha's
lustfull demon, but then becomes posessed
herself. Jennifer is filled with an intense
lust for Alisha.
- Jennifer begins making out with Alisha.
- Jennifer commands Alisha to take off her
thong, then rub her tits.
- Alisha is made to show her ass to Jennifer
then crawl along the ground while Jennifer
plays with herself.
- Jennifer makes Alisha kiss between her
thighs and lick between her legs. (Simulated
- The church bells wake the girls out of their
lustful trance.
- Full nude.
Available in:
HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 684
from C4S for $11.99
4K Quality Version
MP4 Format
3840 x 2160
Total size is
1.54 GB
from C4S for $11.99
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