Girls Gone Hypnotized

Arwin Reprogrammed

Arwin is a business professional who thinks she's applying for job as a personal assistant. In reality, she's applying to be a loyal and obedient robot. She is tricked into sitting under a mind-control helmet, thinking that she is taking a lie detector test for the position. But as the helmet is activated, Arwin's mind is slowly emptied. She discovers that she can no longer move, and soon all of her thoughts and personality are wiped away. Arwin's mind is a computer. She is reprogrammed as a robot slave and responds to commands through a remote control. Arwin is put into a sexy maid's apron and carries out her duties as her master sees fit. When Arwin isn't in use, she is stored away in a glass display case.

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20 minutes, 18 seconds
Only $12.99

Key highlights of video include:
  • Arwin is placed under a mind control helmet. Her personality is removed and her brain is converted into a computer.
  • She repeats back all of her programming in a robotic monotone.
  • Once the brainwashing is complete, Arwin is let out of the chair.
  • She is ordered to walk through the room. She moves in a mechanical fashion and repeats parts of her programming.
  • Refers to the man as "master".
  • Changes into her "service uniform", which is a sexy maid outfit.
  • Arwin's facial expressions are changed with a remote control.
  • The remote is used to make his new robot  maid clean is apartment with a big smile on her face.
  • Arwin is placed into various exaggerated poses using the remote.
  • Put into sleep mode when tapped on the forehead. Her apron is pulled down, and her bare chest is groped.
  • Arwin is activated and made to crawl around the floor while chanting a mantra.
  • Arwin-bot is stored away in a glass display case until she is needed again.
  • Topless nudity.
Available in:

HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 1.04 GB
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HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 1.04 GB
download now from APC for $12.99
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