Girls Gone Hypnotized

Arwin's Freeze Spray

Arwin comes home to find a burglar in her house. Frightened, she backs away. But the thief sprays her with a strange substance. Arwin's muscles slowly stiffen and she is unable to move. She is completely frozen and unaware of what is happening. The thief checks her pockets and takes what money he can find. He is about to leave but then thinks "why not have a little fun first" ? He poses and plays with Arwin's stiff body. He manipulates her clothing and gropes her chest. He even waits patiently for the spray to lose its effect, just so he can freeze her all over again. Arwin is frozen and played with three times before the thief decides to leave with her cash and bag.

Full Download Details:
14 minutes, 38 seconds
Only $10.99

Key highlights of video include:
  • Arwin becomes stiff and unable to move when she is sprayed with a freezing component. She freezes slowly after inhaling the spray.
  • While frozen, Arwin can be moved and repositioned, and has no memory of what has happened when frozen.
  • The thief takes money from Arwin's pockets while she is frozen then poses her and undresses her a bit.
  • He takes off Arwin's glasses and puts a pair of sunglasses on her. Her pants are unbuttoned and she continues to be posed and played with.
  • Arwin regains mobility, but is frozen with the spray and played with again. Frozen a total of 3 times.
  • Arwin's bare chest is fondled.
  • Arwin is robbed and left alone in a frozen state.
  • Topless nudity.
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HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 538 MB
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4K Quality Version
MP4 Format
3840 x 2160
Total size is 1.27 GB
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HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 538 MB
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