Becky is trying to
break up with her boyfriend and he isn't taking it
very well. Things haven't been working out between
them, but the last straw for Becky is when she
finds his search history on the computer and
discovers he is into robot porn. As Becky is
breaking up with him, he shows her a spiral on his
phone. As the spiral spins, she is drawn to the
center of it and her mind emptied. Becky is
completely hypnotized and made to think and behave
as a robot. Becky now believes that she is made of
metal and wires, and must run any program that is
installed into her electronic mind. Her only
thoughts are now of obedience and taking care of
her man.
Full Download
20 minutes, 03
Only $13.99
Key highlights of video include:
- Becky is hypnotized by a spiral on her ex
boyfriend's phone. She is made to think she is
a robot and must obey his programming.
- Becky fights the programming during the
induction but must give in.
- Repeats back her programming.
- Becky now moves, thinks, and behaves like a
- Walks through the room in a robotic manner
and repeats her programming.
- Given a new personality. Wants to stay in a
relationship with her boyfriend.
- Switched to a southern girl personality.
- Becomes less like a robot and more like a
loving wife. Wants to cook her man dinner and
take care of his every need.
- Becky starts to malfunction and come out of
trance when she's told to get naked. She needs
a little tune up with the hypno spiral.
- Removes her top and begins dancing. Repeats
her programming while dancing.
- Dances out of her skirt.
- Placed in a glass case for storage.
- Full nude.
Available in:
HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 763
from C4S for $13.99
Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is
763 MB
from APC for $13.99
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