Girls Gone Hypnotized

Casi's Unexpected Guest

Casi is sleeping in her bed when an unknown man creeps into her room. Before she can react, Casi is shown a pocket watch that hypnotizes her into a calm and sleepy trance. Casi is so deep, that all she can do is repeat the word "hypnotized". Now for a short while, she is a hypnotized slave to do with as he pleases.

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07 minutes, 53 seconds
Only $7.99

Key highlights of video include:
  • Hypnotized with a pocket watch. Goes so deep, she can only helplessly repeat the word "hypnotized".
  • Pushed onto the bed and felt up while chanting her mantra.
  • Answers "yes, sir".
  • Chants the word "hypnotized" while sleepwalking back and forth in a trance.
  • Still chanting her mantra, Casi must twerk on her hands and knees.
  • Simulated scene with Casi riding on top, blank and mindless, still chanting "hypnotized". (No real sex or male nudity).
  • Topless.
Available in:

HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 514 MB
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Casi's Unexpected GuestCasi's Unexpected GuestCasi's Unexpected GuestCasi's Unexpected GuestCasi's Unexpected GuestCasi's Unexpected GuestCasi's Unexpected Guest

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