Cheyenne's husband believes she's been slacking on
her housewife duties. Instead of getting things
done, she seems fixated on her phone and games
while he works all day. He studies up on hypnosis,
and then uses it to turn Cheyenne into his idea of
the perfect housewife - dutiful and obedient.
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15 minutes, 07
Only $10.99
Key highlights of video include:
- Cheyenne is hypnotized by a pocket watch.
She focuses on the watch while repeating her
hypnotic conditioning.
- Felt up while in a trance and chanting her
- Walks like a zombie while chanting "my
husband has hypnotized me."
- Frozen in a trance and played with.
- Made to do a sexy little dance out of her
- Commanded to twerk naked on her hands and
- Walks like a zombie while naked and chanting
"I am hypnotized to obey".
- Hypnotized with the pocket watch while
spirals spin in her eyes.
- Felt up while kneeling naked before her
- Snapped out of trance. Cheyenne acts on the
hypnotic suggestion that she will happily
clean the house naked. She is frozen and
played with while cleaning.
- Walks like a zombie while holding the
duster. Chants mantras about cooking,
cleaning, and obeying her husband.
- Sits on the couch, naked and in a trance.
Holds the pocket watch before her eyes and
takes herself deeper, chanting mantras about
being the perfect housewife.
- Full nude.
Available in:
HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 693
from APC for $10.99
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