Cloe comes home upset from the events at her work
that day. She begins to unload on her husband, and
try to vent her frustrations, but he doesn't care
enough to hear it. When Cloe gets like this, he
makes her calm and compliant by hypnotizing her
with his pocket watch. It's worked on Cloe for
months, and the results seem to keep improving. He
molds Cloe into the wife he wants her to be that
Full Download
09 minutes, 29
Only $7.99
Key highlights of video include:
- Hypnotized with a pocket watch.
- Cloe's eyes cross and roll up while in a
- Programmed to stop complaining, and be a
compliant and loyal girlfriend.
- Sleepwalks through the room chanting her
- Chants "I am so hypnotized" while sitting in
a daze.
- Given a new attitude once awoken from her
trance. Now Cloe is only concerned with making
her boyfriend happy.
- Hypnotized with the pocket watch again.
Cloe's eyes cross and her arms raise out in
front of her like a zombie. She repeats back
her programming.
- When snapped out of trance this time, she
tells her husband what fun he can expect after
dinner than night.
- No nudity.
Available in:
HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 435
from APC for $7.99
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