Girls Gone Hypnotized

Jackie's Mind Fuck

Jackie is a stuck-up, prudish woman who rudely tells a guy she just went out with that he isn't good enough for her. She's very arrogant and in need of a personality change. The man hypnotizes Jackie and gives her a new fun-loving, but ditzy personality. Now Jackie is the "dumb one", and is suddenly very attracted to her date. He makes the air-headed bimbo mindlessly obey his commands.

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13 minutes, 18 seconds
Only $10.99

Key highlights of video include:
  • Hypnotized with a pocket watch two times. (Held above frame and not visible to the viewer.)
  • Jackie's stuck-up and prudish personality is turned into that of a fun-loving bimbo's. Jackie's IQ drops dramatically.
  • Sparkles dance around her head to indicate the magic control she is under.
  • Snapped into a trance. Jackie's eyes roll up as she chants mantras.
  • Chants the phrase "air-headed bimbos do as they are told" as she walks like a zombie.
  • Posed like a zombie and chants mantras while her eyes roll up.
  • Made to show off her body seductively.
  • No nudity.
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MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 964 MB
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HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 964 MB
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HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 965 MB
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