June brings home a
beautiful rock she got for free from the crystal
shop. As she studies it's beauty back at home, she
accidentally hypnotizes herself. Her roommate
walks in on her sitting helplessly in a trance,
and can't help but take advantage of poor June.
June does anything she's told while remaining a
mindless, unquestioning slave.
Full Download
15 minutes, 43
Only $11.99
Key highlights of video include:
- June accidentally hypnotizes herself while
looking at a rock from the crystal shop.
- Her roommate finds her entranced and
programs her to obey. June repeats back her
- June is groped while hypnotized and fixated
on the crystal.
- Turned into a mindless sleepwalker. Strips
to her bra and panties and walks while
chanting mantras.
- Made to remove her bra. June stands
entranced while her bare tits are played with.
- Turned into a naked ballet dancer.
- Snapped out of trance briefly to see her
confused reaction.
- Put back into a hypnotic trance when shown
the hypnotic crystal.
- Made to go on her knees and chant her
- June lays in a trance while her naked body
is felt up.
- Focuses again on the crystal, nude and
hypnotized. Repeats back her instructions
while deep in trance.
- Sleepwalks around the room naked while
chanting her mantras.
- Full nude.
Available in:
HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 697
from C4S for $11.99
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