Kami's brother's friend is a music composer, and
today he has a special composition he wants her to
listen to. He's embedded subliminal messages into
his songs, and each of the three songs has a
different, mind controlling effect on Kami.
Full Download
12 minutes, 05
Only $10.99
Key highlights of video include:
- Kami is mind controlled by different songs
with subliminal messages hidden in them.
- When Kami hears a ballet song, she goes into
a trance and spins like a ballerina while
chanting her mantra. (3 times)
- When Kami hears a soft lullaby, she begins
walking like a zombie and chanting various
mantras. (2 times)
- When stripper music plays, Kami goes into a
trance and starts dancing while stripping.
Chants her mantras.
- Nude body is groped while in a trance.
- The stripper music plays and Kami is put
into a state of heightened arousal. She can't
help but fuck him, despite her true feelings
towards him.
- Each time the music stops, Kami returns to
normal with no memory of anything she just
- Full nude.
Available in:
HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 554
from C4S for $10.99
4K Quality Version
MP4 Format
3840 x 2160
Total size is
1.18 GB
from C4S for $10.99
4K and HD Quality Versions
MP4 Format
from KB for $10.99
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