Girls Gone Hypnotized

Kara's New Job

Kara takes a job as an assistant to a hypnotherapist. When she tells him that she's never been hypnotized, he decides that she needs to experience it. Kara goes under so deep, that she will do absolutely anything that she's told while under hypnosis. The therapist realizes that Kara is going to make the perfect assistant.

Full Download Details:
06 minutes, 03 seconds
Only $4.99

Key highlights of video include:
  • Hypnotized with a pocket watch.
  • Repeats programming while focused on the watch.
  • Made to feel it is very hot in the room. Undresses in a trance.
  • Instantly snapped into a cross-eyed daze. Chest groped in a trance.
  • Focuses on the swinging watch while in a zombie pose.
  • Spirals spin in her eyes.
  • Stored away for later use.
  • Topless nudity.
Available in:

HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 321 MB
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