Liv and her
boyfriend went to a comedy hypnosis stage show the
night before. Liv was called up on stage, but she
denies being really hypnotized. She tells her
boyfriend she was faking it and it was all just an
act. Her boyfriend remembers her trigger word and
uses it to put her back into trance, and prove to
her that she is really hypnotized.
Full Download
11 minutes, 22
Only $9.99
Key highlights of video include:
- Liv is telling her boyfriend how she was
"just faking" being hypnotized last night at
the comedy hypnosis show. But he remembers her
trigger word and uses it to put her back into
trance whenever he wants.
- Made to think she is a ballerina. Liv
happily twirls around in her ballerina tutu,
that she doesn't even realize she is wearing.
- She is woken up, and her boyfriend points
out that she is wearing a tutu. Liv is
confused as to why she is wearing it, then she
is triggered into a happy little ballerina
- Liv denies being able to be hypnotized, then
she is triggered to behave like an excited
little doggie.
- As time goes on, Liv starts to wonder if she
really is hypnotized, but doesn't fully admit
to it.
- Liv is having a phone conversation with a
friend when her boyfriend triggers her.
Immediately she drops the phone, removes her
top, then walks like a zombie while chanting
mantras and calling her boyfriend "master".
- The next time Liv is woken up, she asks her
boyfriend to take her to a hypnotist to have
this all undone. But he triggers her back into
a trance and makes her realize that bringing
him pleasure is her greatest desire.
- Topless and barefoot.
Available in:
HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 418
from C4S for $9.99
4K Quality Version
MP4 Format
3840 x 2160
Total size is 988
from C4S for $9.99
HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 418
from APC for $9.99

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