Lysette and Stella
ordered a pizza, but the delivery driver wants to
have a little mischievous fun with them instead.
He hypnotizes both of them with pocket watch and
makes them obey commands in a mindless state.
Occasionally Lysette is brought out of trance to
witness her friend doing something bizarre, but
her mind always goes back to the pizza she ordered
and still hasn't received.
Full Download
12 minutes, 07
Only $10.99
Key highlights of video include:
- Lysette and Stella are both hypnotized
together when they are shown a pocket watch.
- The girls go into a trance and repeat back
the programming they receive.
- The girls walk through the room together as
mindless zombies. They both chant the mantra
their master gives them.
- Lysette is snapped awake and tries to wake
up Stella, but she is too deeply hypnotized to
shake out of trance.
- The girls are briefly posed like mannequins.
- Stella focuses on the pocket watch an
repeats her programming.
- Stella poses Lysette.
- Lysette is snapped out of trance again and
sees her friend Stella topless and hypnotized.
She berates the delivery man for not bringing
her pizza.
- Both girls turned into mindless sleepwalkers
- Stella is stripped to her panties and made
to behave like a cat.
- Lysette accepts that her roommate is going
to behave as a cat for an uncertain amount of
time, and goes about ordering a new pizza
after throwing out the deliver man.
- Lysette - no nudity.
- Stella - topless, nude down to panties.
Available in:
HD Quality Version
M4V Format (type
of MP4 file)
1920 x 1080
Total size is 537
from C4S for $10.99
4K Quality Version
M4V Format (type
of MP4 file)
3840 x 2160
Total size is
1.14 GB
from C4S for $10.99
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