Girls Gone Hypnotized

Magic Merch

Arwin's boyfriend went to an amazing magic show with some friends. Even more amazing, is that he found an actual magic wand at the merch table after the show. The wand seems to have a hypnotic effect on Arwin. It takes over her body and mind completely. While under this magic spell she will do and say anything her master commands her to do. And when her boyfriend is done playing with her, he can simply wipe her memory of anything that's happened, and do it all over again another time. Money well spent!

Full Download Details:
12 minutes, 19 seconds
Only $10.99

Key highlights of video include:
  • Arwin is put under a magic spell using a wand from a magic show. She is turned into a mindless slave.
  • Replies "yes master" when given commands.
  • Sleepwalks aimlessly while chanting "my boyfriend knows best".
  • Arwin is summoned into the room later that day. She enters already in a trance, and begins massaging her master's feet while chanting mantras.
  • Arwin's eyes are fixed on the tip of the wand as her boyfriend moves it back and forth. She falls into a hypnotic sleep on the floor.
  • Her limp body is played with briefly.
  • Arwin is woken up with the magic wand and made to remove her top. She walks like a zombie and chants her mantra.
  • A gesture with the magic wand makes Arwin kneel before her master. He taps her breasts with the wand and she mindlessly massages them.
  • She is again put into a hypnotic sleep by fixating on the tip of the wand.
  • Her body is moved using gestures of the wand while she remains asleep.
  • Arwin stands up, still in a trance, and is made to smack herself repeatedly on the ass. Repeats mantras.
  • Arwin is told to put her top back on and forget everything that just happened. She comes out of trance thinking her boyfriend just got home from the show.
  • Topless nudity.
Available in:

HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 453 MB
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HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 453 MB
download now from APC for $10.99
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