Girls Gone Hypnotized

Mandy's Third Hypnosis Session

This is not a fantasy, story-based video. The hypnosis in this video is real. This is Mandy's third time being hypnotized with RHLOVER. The entire session was captured from two separate cameras. The editing has been kept to a minimum to allow the viewer to experience the session from beginning to end.

This is Mandy's third time being hypnotized by our hypnotist, RHLOVER. This was actually shot before Mandy's Orlando Session. The entire session was conducted online through the webcam, with Mandy being guided into trance by the hypnotist, through visualization and relaxation techniques.  I, of course, was in the room with her, filming and interacting as needed. Mandy is taken deeper and deeper throughout the induction until she has reached a point in which the hypnotist feels she will respond well to his suggestions. She is a great hypnotic subject so not much time is needed for the induction. After the 15 minute induction, we play with several suggestions, but focus very heavily on having Mandy believe she is being converted into a robot. She steps into a "conversion chamber" and is reprogrammed as lights flash above her head. The majority of the session has Mandy obeying commands as "Mandy-bot", a robot designed to serve and obey. A full list of all suggestions used, and full details about the shoot, can be found directly below this text.

After the session, all hypnotic triggers are removed, and Mandy is brought completely out of hypnosis feeling great, and ready to talk about the experience. Mandy is a favorite subject of mine because she goes so deep and always responds wonderfully to the suggestions. She also has an incredible personality which makes working with her always a blast, and that shows through in this session as well.

Full Download Details:
01 hour, 03 minutes
Only $16.99

Key highlights of video include:
  • Pre-induction talk
  • Instructed to focus her eyes on a spot on the ceiling. Taken into a deep relaxation and guided into trance by hypnotist's voice and through visualization.
  • Given a trigger that returns her back down to a deeply hypnotized state any time when she hears the word "sleep" .
  • Made to feel sexy, happy and sensual when she hears the phrase "good girl".
  • Induction is 15 minutes long.
  • Mind is detached from her body. Doesn't feel herself being played with as she sleeps.
  • Placed into a "conversion chamber" as she believes she is being converted into a robot.
  • Mandy repeats her programming throughout the conversion sequence.
  • Mandy-bot must answer "yes master" when given a command.
  • Mandy-bot is made to check that her joints are functioning properly.
  • Mandy-bot is felt up as she is made to repeat the phrases she is given.
  • Mandy-bot is made to walk to walk to the fridge and bring her master a drink.
  • Mandy-bot is made to model and hold poses for her master.
  • Mandy-bot must give her master a hand massage.
  • Mandy-bot removes her heels and displays her bare feet.
  • Frozen in place briefly and posed.
  • Mandy-bot must perform a sexy dance as she repeats "I serve and I obey".
  • Powers down when she is pressed on the forehead.
  • Mandy is brought out of trance not remembering she has been hypnotized already. But when she steps in the booth and the lights turn on, she immediately goes into trance and is converted back into Mandy-bot.
  • Mandy-bot exits the booth and is made to walk as seductively as possible.
  • Must try and seduce the camera.
  • Powers herself down by pressing her off-switch on her forehead.
  • Brought out of trance, no longer being Mandy-bot, but every time I hold her hand, she is made to feel pleasure and happiness.
  • Triggers removed and brought out of hypnosis completely.
  • Brief discussion about her experience.
  • Barefoot.
  • No nudity.

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Total size is 2.37 GB
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HD Quality Version
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1920 x 1080
Total size is 2.37 GB
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Mandy's Third Hypnosis SessionMandy's Third Hypnosis SessionMandy's Third Hypnosis SessionMandy's Third Hypnosis SessionMandy's Third Hypnosis SessionMandy's Third Hypnosis SessionMandy's Third Hypnosis SessionMandy's Third Hypnosis SessionMandy's Third Hypnosis SessionMandy's Third Hypnosis SessionMandy's Third Hypnosis SessionMandy's Third Hypnosis SessionMandy's Third Hypnosis SessionMandy's Third Hypnosis Session

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