Nyla's curiosity
gets the better of her and she puts on a pair of
mind-controlling glasses her boyfriend placed out
on the table. Almost instantly, her expression
goes blank and her mind becomes a programmable
computer. She is compelled to obey any command he
gives her. Whenever the glasses are removed, the
connection is lost and she returns to normal, but
as soon as they are placed back over her eyes,
Nyla is ready to obey. She is turned into the
perfect, obedient sex slave.
Full Download
14 minutes, 05
Only $10.99
Key highlights of video include:
- Nyla is controlled by a pair of glasses that
reprogram her mind.
- She is forced to rub her boyfriend's dick
while remaining blank and unaware of what she
is doing.
- The glasses are removed to verify that they
are really controlling her mind. The glasses
are placed back over her eyes and Nyla again
becomes a robot. (3 separate times)
- While rubbing her master's dick, he pulls
down her dress to expose her bare tits. Nyla
chants "I am brainwashed" while playing with
his dick.
- Nyla is forced to walk in circles with her
arms stretched out while chanting "I am a
brainwashed slut".
- Forced to stand in a mindless state, posed
as a sleepwalker, while repeating erotic
- Made to remove her dress entirely, then
continue rubbing her master's dick.
- Lays flat on her back with her legs spread.
Chants mantras while being felt up by her
- Nyla is fucked while remaining mindless and
brainwashed. (Simulated only. No real sex or
male nudity.)
- Full nude.
Available in:
HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 719
from C4S for $10.99
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