Girls Gone Hypnotized

Stripper-Bot Alisha

The owner of a nightclub wants Alisha to dance for him, to make more money for his club. The only thing is, Alisha refuses to objectify herself like that. The owner uses a special remote control to put Alisha into a robotic, programming mode. While her mind is blank and empty, she is programmed to dance and strip off her clothes for money.

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09 minutes, 06 seconds
Only $8.99

Key highlights of video include:
  • Mind controlled with a remote. Alisha is put into "programming mode" and turned into an obedient stripper bot.
  • Speaks in a robotic monotone. Repeats mantras and erotic phrases throughout.
  • Made to dance seductively and strip off clothing in a robotic, mindless state.
  • Answers "yes, master" to commands.
  • Sleepwalks with her arms in front of her while chanting mantras. (Once clothed, once fully naked.)
  • Twerks naked. Close-up shots.
  • When returned to normal, Alisha has a new attitude towards stripping for money now.
  • Full nude.
Available in:

HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 417 MB
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4K Quality Version
MP4 Format
3840 x 2160
Total size is 890 MB
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HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 417 MB
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