Jennifer, Ellcee, and Cali are all tricked into
showing up at a guy's house who they met on a
dating app. They all arrive at the same time, and
begin to realize he brought them there together
intentionally. The man puts a spiral on the TV and
hypnotizes all three women at the same time. They
are so deeply mesmerized that spirals can be seen
spinning in their eyes. He has fun ordering his
slaves around in a mindless state, then programs
them to be excited to all go on a date with him
Full Download
10 minutes, 18
Only $9.99
Key highlights of video include:
- The girls are hypnotized simultaneously by a
spiral on the TV.
- Spirals can be observed spinning in each
girl's eyes.
- Repeat their programming while locked on the
center of the spiral. Their arms raise out in
front of them in a sleepwalking pose.
- Jennifer is woken up while the other girls
remain deeply entranced. She is programmed to
want to continue her date, and be fine that
the other girls will be joining as well.
- Cali walks like a zombie while chanting
"Master is so attractive, I will obey".
- Ellcee is programmed deeper while remaining
in a trance.
- Ellcee is snapped out of trance briefly. She
sees that Jennifer and Cali are in a trance
and unresponsive to her.
- Ellcee is put back into a trance, and made
to kneel and recite mantras.
- Jennifer and Cali are posed like mannequins
while frozen in a trance.
- All three girls are woken up after being
programmed to be excited for their "group
date" with their master.
- No nudity.
Available in:
HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 472
from C4S for $9.99
4K Quality Version
MP4 Format
3840 x 2160
Total size is
1.01 GB
from C4S for $9.99
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