Girls Gone Hypnotized

Tiffani Hypnotized at Work

Tiffani is an unbearable boss to work for. She is rude, demeaning, and just a complete bitch. She's only in her position because her dad owns the company. During a performance review, she is threatening to fire one of her employees (again), but this time he uses a pocket watch to hypnotize her. Tiffani is now his submissive little slave. She's given a much needed attitude adjustment, and a new role in the company.

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12 minutes, 57 seconds
Only $9.99

Key highlights of video include:
  • Hypnotized with a pocket watch. Tiffani focuses on the watch and repeats back her commands while in a trance.
  • Tiffani holds the pocket watch and takes herself deeper into hypnosis.
  • Tiffani's personality is changed from bitchy to flirty.
  • She leads her employee into a storage room and undresses in front of him. Tiffani tries hard to seduce him.
  • Put back into a trance and made to sleepwalk back and forth while being programmed.
  • Tiffani is further hypnotized while naked and focused on the pocket watch.
  • Tiffani holds the pocket watch herself, and is again programmed while taking herself deeper into trance.
  • Must chant the phrase "I am a hypnotized slave" while naked and focusing on the pocket watch.
  • Tiffani is hypnotized into telling her father that she is resigning her position, and her employee is now going to fill her role in the company.
  • Full nude.
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HD Quality Version

MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 595 MB
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HD Quality Version

MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 595 MB
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4K Quality Version
MP4 Format
3840 x 2160
Total size is 1.24 GB
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Tiffani Hypnotized at WorkTiffani Hypnotized at WorkTiffani Hypnotized at WorkTiffani Hypnotized at WorkTiffani Hypnotized at WorkTiffani Hypnotized at WorkTiffani Hypnotized at WorkTiffani Hypnotized at WorkTiffani Hypnotized at Work

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