Girls Gone Hypnotized

Victoria Compelled to Dance

Victoria is home by herself when her dad's friend stops by for a visit. She's always found him a little creepy, and he knows that her dad is out of town. It soon becomes apparent that he is only there to see her. He wants to have a little fun with Victoria, using the hypnosis techniques he recently learned online. He uses a pocket watch to put her into a trance and then gives her a couple of triggers. Whenever Victoria hears a bell, she must stand up and dance. While dancing, she freezes in place when he snaps his fingers. Every time Victoria returns to normal, she doesn't remember dancing, and denies that she has been hypnotized.

Full Download Details:
14 minutes, 02 seconds
Only $10.99

Key highlights of video include:
  • Victoria is hypnotized by her dad's friend, using a pocket watch to put her into trance.
  • Victoria receives her programming while in a trance and repeats it back to her master in a monotone voice.
  • She is woken up, but must dance anytime she hears a bell ring.
  • While Victoria is dancing, she is triggered to freeze in place when her master snaps his fingers.
  • Each time Victoria is returned to normal, she has no memory of dancing, and denies being hypnotized.
  • Focuses again on the pocket watch and receives her final programming.
  • No nudity.
Available in:

HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 515 MB
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4K Quality Version
MP4 Format
3840 x 2160
Total size is 1.22 GB
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HD Quality Version
MP4 Format
1920 x 1080
Total size is 515 MB
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                      Compelled to DanceVictoria
                      Compelled to DanceVictoria
                      Compelled to DanceVictoria
                      Compelled to DanceVictoria
                      Compelled to DanceVictoria
                      Compelled to DanceVictoria
                      Compelled to DanceVictoria
                      Compelled to DanceVictoria
                      Compelled to DanceVictoria
                      Compelled to Dance

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